MATRIXSYNTH: OscilloScoop for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

OscilloScoop for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch

YouTube Uploaded by ssnibbe on Apr 20, 2011

"Tap, slide, and stretch your fingers over OscilloScoop to create an infinity of electronica, dance, hip hop, and techno tracks. With OscilloScoop you make real musical grooves by simply gliding your fingertips over spinning crowns; then sequence them into a real-time performance with a few taps. As effortless as a toy, OscilloScoop gives you the same tools pro DJs and musicians use to create intricate tracks—but with an intuitive interface inspired by video games and animation. OscilloScoop is an organic, generative way to make music in a process that's more like dancing than composing: it's addictive, fun, and original.

OscilloScoop features continuous tone melody; 16- and 32-beat quantizing; low-pass filter; volume control; selection of loopable beats in techno, hip hop, electro, and house; tempo control from 60 to 140 beats per minute; in-app purchase of additional beat sets; preset saves for live performance; and fine-grain editing when you tilt into landscape.

OscilloScoop is designed by Lukas Girling, a creator of interactive musical interfaces who has worked with world-renowned musicians and music technologists including Laurie Anderson and Max Mathews. The app was created in collaboration with interactive artist and programmer Scott Snibbe, author of the bestselling apps Bubble Harp and Gravilux; and Graham McDermott, noted video game and app developer."

Scott Snibbe Studio, Inc.
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

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