The specs:
"meeblip se will be available in two versions:
1. A new front panel and pre-programmed microcontroller for existing MeeBlip owners — all the new features except programmable patch storage (there are no save/load switches on the original). Available August 8th for $25.
2. New meeblip se hardware that includes patch save/load and midi channel buttons, power switch on the front panel, and an easier-to-assemble design (the I/O board now mounts directly to the back panel and connects to the main board with a single ribbon cable). There are also a few board tweaks to reduce noise.
The ‘rock horns’ panel design is gone (some loved it, others loathed it) and we’ve rearranged the controls to allow users to tweak the LFO and filter without having to use the ‘knob shift’ switch (which has been moved to the extreme right, so you can find it without looking).
New features:
Sixteen patch memories (accessed by tapping the save/load button and flipping one of the sixteen front panel switches)
Two envelopes – a dual-mode A/D or A/S/R amplitude envelope and an A/D envelope for the filter
Bandlimited oscillators (with optional raw waveforms, if aliasing is your thing)
Dual-mode PWM waveform on oscillator A. Select either a pulse wave with user-programmable width, or sweep the pulse width with user-programmable sweep speed
New triangle waveform on oscillator B
Filter envelope amount has been added to the front panel
Extended MIDI parameter control
A redesigned front panel
The new se hardware will be available in a few weeks for the same price as the original — $139, including multi-volt power adapter. You can pre-order a unit from the first batch by submitting a request on our contact page. We’ll be shipping directly from the USA to reduce shipping costs and increase delivery speed."
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