MATRIXSYNTH: Tiptop Audio Going Polyphonic - 8 Voice Module, CS-80 in the Works?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tiptop Audio Going Polyphonic - 8 Voice Module, CS-80 in the Works?

Bits from Gur of Tiptop on Muff's:

Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:37 pm
"It's a huge design project but It's all going well so far. Feels like laying bricks, one at a time, and slowly a new sticky ugly creature is emerging. zombie

The pvco pcb layout is almost complete and I should be able to order the prototype pcbs some time late next week. This one is probably the most challenging design in the P series and so far it all looks good.

We also finish developing the firmware and hardware for a high precision frequency counter and tuner that goes into the pvco and is used to count the frequency from each core separately, making a smooth process of tuning and calibrating the oscillators. That was a descent size project in itself that took some good amount of time and resources.

Next inline is the pvcf, and here I'm debating what to start with, a 24db Z2040 (Prophet 5 V.2) style topology or a OB-X 12db style topology. The OB-X should be cheaper to produce so I feel it will be wise to start with."

Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:19 pm
"...the first oscillator module is analog, saw core. As for the filter, I'm going to try and play with the OB-X schematic and see if I can pull up a HP output as well. That will require some internal signal routing and as long as it doesn't add too many parts then I might go for it."

Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:44 pm (top pic posted):
"Here we go, first polyphonic module to go to pcb prototype"

Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:23 am
Interstate 8 pic posted indicating 8 voices.

Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:27 pm
"28HP for this one."

Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:24 pm
"The PVCO is 28HP, then we have Filters, VCAs, ADSRs........ Most of them should be lower HP."

Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:39 pm
"it will be a sub-format of euro. Same panel sizes, same power connector, and runs of euro +/-12V. I have no doubt that other manufacturers will jump in as soon as the format has been realized and proven. That will be sooo awesome. No need for 8 cables, one cable will carry 8 signals and a shilled"

Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:45 pm
" 'Monobass wrote:
if there was a CS-80 filter on the way I'd probably sell my wifes car.'

Then go for it, A poly CS-80 is in the pipe. I think that filters will be a really big thing in this new format."

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