Showing posts with label Happy Knobbing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Knobbing. Show all posts
Friday, December 01, 2023
Folding 5U Modular Synth Is Fully Powered Again!
video upload by John L Rice
"Modules featured are from Synthetic Sound Labs, Martin Jan Koehler, Noise Engineering, Free State FX, Moon Modular, Happy Nerding, Grove Audio, cases from, and Tendrils Cables. #modularsynth #electronicmusic #5UModular"
Free State FX,
Grove Audio,
Happy Knobbing,
Moon Modular,
Noise Engineering,
Monday, May 29, 2023
Happy Knobbing 23
video upload by moondustweb
"Happy Knobbing the german Modularmeeting in Fischbach-Weiherbach"
Above: a slideshow in via moondustweb.
Below: a walkthrough video by Wein Glas
Happy Knobbing Modular Synthesizer Meeting Fischbach 2023
video upload by Wein Glas
"This is a short tour showing the modular systems that were arranged on the Happy Knobbing 2023 in Fischbach!
The HK2023 was not only "Gearporn" or "Synthporn". It was more like "Love, Peace and Happiness" far away from a bigger city!
But much more imprtant: It was about meeting friends, talking, drinking, eating, making noises, music, techno, ...
And it became more international. So we are not just a German (and Swiss) Synth Meet anymore.
The soundtrack was made with a small 4U system you can see at the end of the video by Soundfreak (the triple EMS oscillator), Synthomas (281 and 292 quad resonant lowpass gate), Eardrill pendulum Ratchet and Kilpatrick K4816.
Thanks to Tommy and all others!"
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Tiny Eurorack Synth Reconfig Test 03/14/2023
video upload by John L Rice
"This system is only four modules now:
2hp Rnd for clock and modulation
Vermona meloDICER sequencer
Tall Dog uBraids voice module
Happy Nerding FX AID effects module
4ms Pod48x case
Tendrils Cables"
Happy Knobbing,
Tall Dog Electronics,
Thursday, June 09, 2022
Modular Synthesizer Meeting Happy Knobbing 2022 // Vlog
video upload by Ralph Baumgartl
"This is my Vlog about the Happy Knobbing 2022 Modular Synth Meeting.
1. 00:00 - Introduction and information about the Happy Knobbing Synth event
2. 02:53 - Quick tour of the Synthesizers brought along by the event participants
3. 06:49 - Book! A Guide to Modular Worlds
4. 09:27 - Live Modular Synthesizer Jams
5. 18:26 - Conclusion about Happy Knobbing 2022 and message to people who want to join in 2023"
Sunday, June 05, 2022
Modular Synth Meet in Fischbach/Germany 2022
video upload by Wein Glas
"Happy Knobbing 2022: The annual modular synth meet in Fischbach with
lots of modular synthesizers, modules, synths in a small town in Germany - a short tour!
The Soundtrack was made on a Meng Qi WIng Pinger and the DSM & Humboldt Simplifier DLX."
Sunday, February 07, 2021
video by Beatprisoner
Kicks in at :46
"The main modules of this patch were:
* Grone - a Dark Drone Machine from Maneco Labs from Uruguay
* SWT 16+ from Robaux as the main sequencer
* Rample
* QD - Quad Drum from vpme
* Nostalgia from Dreadbox as Delay
* FX Aid from Happy Nerding as the main FX"
Friday, September 04, 2020
Wave Splicing and Beyond
Learning Modular
"Wave splicing - taking two waveforms and splicing them together at an audio rate - is a synthesis technique that has been gaining attention over the past few years. There are a few oscillators dedicated to this technique; I wanted to share with you how to patch it yourself using your own oscillators and a module that will let you switch between inputs at an audio rate (I prefer an analog crossfading module like the Happy Nerding Dual Xfade).
I start with using three waveforms from a single oscillator - segment A, segment B, and the splice controller - and then expand on it by introducing a second and then third oscillator to explore detuning between the contributors to the final wave. I end by going beyond the typical splicing technique and using a crossfade rather than a hard switch to merge the donor waveforms together.
Here is the index of topics:
00:00 demo
00:49 basic explanation
01:41 one VCO technique
03:57 modulating the splice point
05:12 trying some other donor waveforms
05:28 splicing two independently tuned VCOs
06:58 using a third independent VCO to control the splice
08:02 extending the technique: crossfading
09:20 comparing switching with crossfading
10:38 summary"
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Happy Nerding FX Aid - Strymon Big Sky Reverb Comparison
Published on Mar 13, 2020 ScottMFR
"Happy Nerding FX Aid is able to squeeze 32 effects into a slim 4HP. I was mostly curious to hear how the reverbs sound, especially the ones modelled after the Strymon Big Sky. In this video I give a quick overview of the module, then provide some examples of how it sounds.
Video Chapters
01:03 - Intro Overview
03:08 - Using the FX Aid App
05:17 - Generative Rings Melody
15:56 - Qu-Bit Chord Plays Some Chords
21:40 - Closing Thoughts And Favourite Algos
#eurorack #modular #synthesizer #happynerding #fxaid"
Friday, January 17, 2020
Happy Nerding FX Aid - Multi FX Module Overview
Published on Jan 17, 2020 SamiRabia
"I this video I give an overview of the new FX module from Happy Nerding, FX Aid."
Happy Nerding FX Aid posts
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
FX AID: Delay into Reverb/Shimmer
Published on Sep 17, 2019 Happy Nerding
"Showing FX AID’s black panel version and 'Delay into Reverb', 'Delay into Dual Shimmer', 'Delay into Shimmer' effects."
Anyone recognize the guitar riff at :59? Mogwai and Lo Moon came to mind, but I can't find it. I swear I've heard it before.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Synthmill Happy Knobbing 2019 Jam
Published on Jun 19, 2019 synthmill
"My performance at the 2019 Happy Knobbing. A wonderful modular synthesizer meeting in Fischbach Germany!"
Happy Knobbing 2019 - Modular Synthesizer Meeting
Published on Jun 19, 2019 Moogulator
"Bitte etwas Nachsicht, ich hatte einen kaputten Fuß und konnte nicht laufen, daher ist das Material nicht so schön wie "sonst" - aber ich hab's versucht.
Modular Synthesizer Meeting "Happy Knobbing" - Pfingsten 2019 - Rundlauf - Mehr siehe Forum - Nächstes Meeting Pfingsten 2020, Fischbach, Deuschland"
Monday, June 10, 2019
Happy Knobbing 2019 and the Resonant Garden
Published on Jun 10, 2019 Wein Glas
"The annual modular synth meeting 'Happy Knobbing' in Fischbach/Germany! I had a wonderful time with wonderful people!
And I got a Folktek Resonant Garden that is responsible for the soundtrack of this short tour!"
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Happy Knobbing 2018 Modular Synthesizer Meeting
Published on Jun 28, 2018 Moogulator
"Happy Knobbing 2018 Modular Synthesizer Meeting by / Moogulator - Music: Moogulator"
HK2018 Jams - Part 2 Modular Synthesizer Meeting Happy Knobbing 18
Published on Jun 28, 2018 Moogulator
"Modular Synthesizer Meeting Happy Knobbing 2018 Jams - "
Happy Knobbing 2018 Modular Synthesizer Meeting
Published on Jun 28, 2018 Moogulator
"Happy Knobbing 2018 Modular Synthesizer Meeting by / Moogulator - Music: Moogulator"
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Modular Synth Meet Fischbach 2018
Published on May 22, 2018 Wein Glas
"A small town in Germany every year becomes the center of the modular synth scene for a few days. And here is a short video that shows what it is all about: Modular synths, friends, fun, barbecue, and a place called the „Blaue Grotte“!
Thanks to Mic, Tommy and all the great people there!
The soundtrack was made there entirely with a Kilpatrick Modular System with no editing, additional FX or multitracking."
Happy Knobbing / Fischbach
Monday, May 21, 2018
Happy Knobbing 2018
Published on May 21, 2018 moondustweb
"Pictures from the Happy Knobbing 2018.
Happy Knobbing is a german Modularmeeting in Fischbach."
Friday, July 07, 2017
Scotgard Scotgard - Live at Happy Knobbing 2017 - Modular Synthesizer Livejam
Published on Jul 7, 2017 darshonaut
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Impressions from Happy Knobbing 2017 with a new Darshonaut track
Published on Jun 22, 2017 darshonaut
"I recorded a little improvised track on Friday evening at this year's Happy Knobbing and added some video footage to it.
Greetings to all other attendees !"
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©2025 Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.