MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for AutomaticGainsay

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query AutomaticGainsay. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query AutomaticGainsay. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2- Introduction / Analog Sound

Published on Oct 14, 2014 AutomaticGainsay

Dave Smith Pro 2s on eBay

"Here is the first in a series of videos which demonstrate the sound and functionality of the Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2 synthesizer.
In this first video, I demonstrate how to get analog-sounding sounds out of the digital oscillators.

Hey, do you enjoy all of these videos I've been putting out all of these years? Do you ever feel like you might want to help support them? Please visit my Patreon page at! Thank you!"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Korg Volca Series Video Overviews by AutomaticGainsay

The Korg Volca Series: Korg Volca Beats- Sounds

Published on Sep 18, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·167 videos

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the new analog/PCM drum machine "Volca Beats" from Korg."

KORG Volcas on eBay

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sequential Prophet 6 Overview Videos by Marc Doty aka AutomaticGainsay

01-The Sequential Prophet 6- Introduction and Sounds

Published on May 25, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is an introduction to the Sequential Prophet 6 that features six different musical examples of multiple patches.


02 The Sequential Prophet 6- Oscillators Part 1

Published on May 27, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is part one of a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the Sequential Prophet 6 Oscillators.

Yes, the theme was made with the Sequential Prophet 6 (except drums)."

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Korg Minilogue Overview Videos by AutomaticGainsay aka Marc Doty

The Korg Minilogue- Oscillators Part 1

Published on Feb 9, 2016 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the oscillators found on the Korg Minilogue.

Support Automatic Gainsay!

The theme was created entirely from the Korg Minilogue (except drums)."

KORG minilogues on eBay | Korg minilogues on Amazon

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Korg MS-20 Mini- Introduction by Marc Doty

Published on Mar 12, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·146 videos

"Here is the introduction to a series of videos which demonstrate the sound and functionality of the new Korg MS-20 Mini.

All non-drum sounds in the theme were created by the MS-20 Mini."

KORG MS20s on eBay

Monday, June 22, 2015

KORG ARP Odyssey Overview Videos by Marc Doty aka AutomaticGainsay

01 The Korg ARP Odyssey-Introduction Published on Jun 22, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is the introduction to the Korg ARP Odyssey demonstrative series. It includes some demonstrations of sounds made with the Korg ARP Odyssey.

The theme and background music were made exclusively with the Korg ARP Odyssey (except drums).

Please support Automatic Gainsay, who receives no monetary payment from any synthesizer company:"

02-The Korg ARP Odyssey: Oscillators 1

Published on Jun 24, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the Korg ARP Odyssey Oscillator 1."

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Analogue Solutions Nyborg 12- Sounds of the Nyborg 12 Overview Videos by AutomaticGainsay

Published on Oct 19, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here are several 'songs' that were made entirely with the Analogue Solutions Nyborg 12 synthesizer. All musical tones you hear were generated with the Nyborg 12.

All of the songs were multitracked in one way or another for polyphony.

Sequencing was provided by the DSI Pro 2 sequencer. Live performances were provided by the hands of Marc Doty. Drums were comprised of beats programmed with the Korg Gadget and occasional supplemental loops from GarageBand.

If you enjoy these videos, or benefit from them, or both, how about considering heading on over to and becoming a supporter of Automatic Gainsay?
I'll be your best frieeeennnnnd! :)

Thank you to Analogue Solutions for their superior synthesizers, and for their allowing me to make these videos. And their patience."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The ARP 2600: High Quality Videos by Marc Doty aka AutomaticGainsay

YouTube via AutomaticGainsay | February 23, 2011 |

"Here is a higher-quality version of the ARP 2600 Oscillators Part 1 video."

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Analogue Solutions Leipzig-s Overview Videos by Marc Doty aka AutomaticGainsay

01-The Analogue Solutions Leipzig-s: Part 1: Oscillators

Published on May 30, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the oscillators present on the Analogue Solutions Leipzig-s synthesizer.

Please support my work!"

02-The Analogue Solutions Leipzig-s: Part : Oscillators Part 2

Monday, January 07, 2013

Yamaha CS-50 Overview by Marc Doty aka AutomaticGainsay

The Yamaha CS-50 Part 1: The Oscillator

Published on Jan 7, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·133 videos

"Here is part 1 of a series of demonstrative videos regarding the Yamhaha CS-50. This is a demonstration of the oscillator section of the Yamaha CS-50."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Korg MS-20: The Control Panel Part 1 (HQ)

YouTube via AutomaticGainsay | Feb 26, 2011 |
custom white MS20
"Here is a higher-quality version of part one of the Korg MS-20 video on the control panel."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Arturia MicroBrute Overview Videos by Marc Doty

The Arturia MicroBrute- Part 1: Oscillator

Published on Nov 20, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·178 videos

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the oscillator of the Arturia MicroBrute."

MicroBrute's on eBay | Minibrutes on eBay

Friday, March 20, 2015

01-The Korg Lambda Part One: Story and Sounds

Published on Mar 20, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a description of the structure and musical demonstration of the Korg Lambda.
All music was created with the Korg Lambda (excepting drums).
More videos to follow that outline specific function.

Help support Automatic Gainsay!"

Korg Lambdas on eBay

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Moog Sub Phatty Video Overviews by Marc Doty

The Moog Sub Phatty Part 1- Oscillators

Published on Feb 22, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·140 videos

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the Moog Sub Phatty.

Hey, click here to add Automatic Gainsay on Facebook!

The Moog Sub Phatty theme is comprised of Sub Phatty sounds, with the exception of the drums, which were programmed using an Ensoniq ASR-10. There are no effects used of any kind.

See if you can spot the two glaring quality control failures which evince my commitment to getting videos out quickly to all of you. :)"

Moog Sub Phatty's on eBay

Monday, May 06, 2013

The Roland Juno-6: Introduction

Published on May 6, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·160 videos

"Here is the introduction to a series which depicts the sound and functionality of the Roland Juno-6."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Arturia Minibrute- Part 1- The Oscillator

YouTube Uploaded by AutomaticGainsay on Mar 18, 2012

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the Arturia MiniBrute: specifically, the oscillator section."

Friday, April 22, 2022

00-The Korg ARP 2600M-Why Marc Doty/AutomaticGainsay is Astonished

video upload by AutomaticGainsay

"Here is the introduction to a multi-part series that demonstrates the sound and functionality of the Korg ARP 2600M synthesizer. It features some discussion, and several examples of sounds from the ARP 2600M. All music in the video was created using sounds created with the 2600M without any external modification.

This video was funded by the Patreon supporters of Automatic Gainsay. Support the creation of this video and all of the Automatic Gainsay videos that have helped you by becoming an Automatic Gainsay supporter on Patreon!"

AutomaticGainsay KORG ARP 2600M posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The ARP Omni-2: Part 1- The String Section

Published on Feb 25, 2014 AutomaticGainsay·198 videos

"Here is part one of a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the ARP Omni-2."

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Moog Liberation Overview Videos by Marc Doty

1-The Moog Liberation: Oscillators

Published on Apr 13, 2015 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the oscillators of the Moog Liberation.

Do you enjoy these loving portrayals of the synthesizers of yesteryear? Support Automatic Gainsay at"

02- The Moog Liberation: Filter

Published on Apr 17, 2015

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the filter section of the Moog Liberation keytar."

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Dubreq Stylophone Gen X-1 Overview Videos by Marc Doty aka AutomaticGainsay

Published on Oct 17, 2017 AutomaticGainsay

Support the creation of this video and all of the Automatic Gainsay videos that have helped you by becoming an Automatic Gainsay supporter on Patreon!


1. The Stylophone Gen X-1: The Theme from Toast of London

"Here is Matt Berry's 'Take My Hand,' otherwise known as the theme from Toast of London realized entirely via multitracking an analog Stylophone Gen X-1 over drums.

The Gen X-1 is a shockingly versatile Stylophone at the same time as being a delightfully fun analog synthesizer.

Of course, you should also check out Toast of London if you can view it on television, or on Netflix if you cannot. Not only is it sublime comedy, but Matt Berry's accompanying music is fantastic... and not just because it is often analog-synth-laden.

Thanks to all of you who support Automatic Gainsay on Patreon. Viewer support is currently making Automatic Gainsay happen. If you like these videos, and you've got a few dollars to spare, consider contributing at"

2. 02-The Dubreq Stylophone Gen X-1-Stylophonic Function

3. 03-The Dubreq Stylophone Gen X-1- Filter

4. 04-The Dubreq Stylophone Gen X-1- Envelope

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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