MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for harriL

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query harriL. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query harriL. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Korg Electribe EMX on YouTube

HarriL - Kepseli (Live)

control75 - Video Korg Electribe EMX (1)

control75 - Video Korg Electribe EMX (2)

HarriL - Kiiltopiste (Live)

HarriL - Global Illumination (Live)

That's a Quasimidi Rave-o-lution on the bottom. HarriL's leads remind me of Clan of Xymox. Good stuff.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

HarriL - Experimenting with sounds (Live)

YouTube via HarriL

"I recorded this a while ago but wasn't sure about uploading it.
This kind of falls into the same category as the 'HarriL - Warp' video."

Monday, July 02, 2007

HarriL - Hour By Four (live)

video upload by HarriL

"HarriL - Hour By Four (live)
MP3 here: link
Ok, hello again. It's been a while since my last video, so I decided to make something so you know that I'm still alive here :) Guitar fed in to the ESX. Everything else is the EMX."

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

HarriL - 01042008(live)

video upload by HarriL

mp3 here.

"Hey, nothing much to say about this. It's something electronic. :) Im' ok with the end result, although it's not quite what I was hoping for. The other camera had kind of corrupted the video data, so you see interesting hand movements when the second camera is used.

Gear used:
Korg EMX & ESX
Novation K-station
FutureRetro Revolution
Emu Xboard -> DSI Evolver -> Behringer Virtualizer Pro
Quasimidi 309"

Thanks, HarriL!"

Sunday, September 05, 2010

HarriL - Summer is over now (Live)

YouTube via HarriL | September 05, 2010

"Emx, esx, revolution.
Nothing special.
(ps. 1080p enabled)"

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Electribe SX Close-ups

YouTube via HarriL

"This is the final part of my macro video tests. Again, please view the high quality version."

Already posted earlier and here again for your convenience.
All of these are in the high quality format.

Revolution Close-ups

Electribe MX Close-ups

YouTube via HarriL

Friday, December 07, 2007

HarriL - Revolver (Live)

video upload by HarriL

"MP3 Here:
A chill track with some DSI Evolver testing (desktop version) and guitar playing.
Korg EMX - drums & synths
ESX - samples
Quasimidi 309 - 808-kick."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

HarriL - Revolution Acid Testing (live)

video upload by HarriL

Hey, I got the Future Retro Revolution today. Revolution is synced to-and fed through EMXs' effects. The overdrive is from the revolution."

Saturday, July 02, 2011

HarriL - Take 4 (Live)

YouTube Uploaded by HarriL on Jul 2, 2011

"Playing the Korg Electribe SX somewhere in Finland.
It went on a bit too long as usual but it doesn't matter.

(powered by a car battery booster thingy)"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

HarriL - Warp (Live)

video upload by HarriL

Friday, January 08, 2010

HarriL - Midnight Jamming (Live)

YouTube via HarriL

"Time to fire up the EMX-ESX-309-Revolution gang once again and make the machines scream. This one went on a bit longer that I had planned (like it always does with improvised stuff) so I had to cut the video a bit so that it's ok for youtube.

The same camera and lense as the previous video, still waiting for the wider angle lense to be fixed; hence the tight shot.

Comments greatly appreciated!"

Monday, October 04, 2010

HarriL - Ten Degrees (Live)

YouTube via HarriL | October 04, 2010

"Testing to see if it's possible to play and record outside. Apparently it is.
It was a bit too cold so my fingers weren't as quick as they should have been thus resulting in some mistakes. Don't let it bother you too much :)

This was done in a single take and I didn't have a chance to try for a second time because my sound recording laptop's battery died soon after this video.

Before you ask, here's a little gear list for you:

-On the stand: Korg EMX, Korg ESX, Futureretro Revolution and the noisy Phonix MM1002 mixer (I didn't want to take the mixer/effects rack with me).
-On the ground: Laptop with goldwave to record the sound.
-Closeup camera Canon EOS 500D (Canon 50mm f1.8)
-Overview camera Canon EOS 550D (Canon 70-200mm L f4)
-One long extension cord
-a piece of plywood and a stand"

Sunday, October 14, 2007

HarriL - Synchron Blue (Live)

video upload by HarriL

"MP3. So, another one of these midnight tunes. Gear used: 309, ESX, EMX, K-station and the lovely Revolution on acid. Genre is house-ish. Enjoy and please do leave a comment :)"

Friday, September 21, 2007

HarriL - Electronic Tripping (Live)

video upload by HarriL

NOTE: The above is a 10 minute version of the following:

"Hey again!
No testing this time! Here's a (rather long - 14minutes!) electro-house jam/song mixed with live guitar and harmonica sounds.

Gear used:
Video here (in stereo)
Mp3 here

Gear used:
Quasimidi Rave-o-lution 309, FutureRetro Revolution fed through EMX for effects. ESX for some samples. K-station as an effects unit for the harmonica and the guitar. I had a sequence planned for KS, but actually forgot to play it."

Sunday, May 01, 2011

HarriL - Espoon sateinen päivä-patteri (Live)

YouTube Uploaded by HarriL on May 1, 2011

"Brought some of my gear to a very nice studio somewhere in Espoo, Finland. Played around for hours and got this pretty subtle sounding thing out.
Think of this like a placeholder for the time being :)

Thanks to Tuppu/F5D for letting me into the studio and for helping me out in the making of this track & video!"

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

HarriL - ESX & sample based song creation

Published on Jul 3, 2013 HarriL·57 videos

"A live stream session in sampling with the Korg Electribe SX, accompanied by the EMX, DX100 and the Futureretro Revolution!

Streamed at"

Monday, February 26, 2007

For the Guys

via HarriL in response to this post.

Previously on Matrixsynth...

Title link takes you to the rest of the shots sent in by HarriL.

Novation K-Station
Korg EMX

Sunday, May 18, 2008

HarriL - Sublight (Live)

video upload by HarriL

"MP3 Here:

Hello, I'm back once again with a (tech?)house track, featuring; EMX, ESX, 309, Evolver and the Revolution! Everything is live as usual."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

HarriL - FFFUUU (live)

YouTube via HarriL — April 25, 2010 —

"A quick track made with the Electribe SX and the Future Retro Revolution."

Friday, August 31, 2007

HarriL Studio Shots

A couple of studio shots sent my way via HarriL.

Spot the gear, 3D glasses and "ACID" smiley ball.


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