MATRIXSYNTH: The Thimbletron

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Thimbletron

"The Thimbletron, as the name suggests, is constructed from 10 ordinary thimbles. Certain thimbles are comprised primarily of nickel (exactly 4 rows above thimbletronium on the new perioidic table of elements) which can be converted into thimbletronium using proprietary ECC methods."

"For ease of use, the thimbles are mounted on cotton gloves. Wires connect each thimble to a power source and digital interface. Properly wired, the thimbles produce emissions of thimbletronic energy which are then detected by custom equipment. This equipment originally interfaced with a standard laptop computer running Operation Re-Information's Back To Basics software, but since version 3.0 of the Thimbletron Native Instruments' Reaktor software has been used. The end result is a sound triggered from the laptop through thimble manipulation."

Too funny. Sent my way via Brian Comnes. Also check out this link. Thanks Brian!

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