MATRIXSYNTH: DSI Prophet '08 Prototype

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

DSI Prophet '08 Prototype

via JZ.

Click on the DSI link right below. Note this is different than the other shots of the Prophet 8.

Update: And this one was photoshopped folks. I didn't think it could be real considering how the others looked. Seemed a bit too far from it. The original image below via: link. Via HarriL in the comments.


  1. So, does the final version of P8 look like this or like the one in the first picture?

  2. I gotta say this pic looks photoshopped to me. I also noticed it is lacking the voice LEDs from the video.

  3. The pic in the VSS thread has as pic posted by the OP- it shows a synth with an LCD screen with a prominent "Prophet 08" logo above it

  4. Anon #2, no crap it looks different than the vid. This is the PROTOTYPE, not the production model in the vid. Why is there always some moron that no matter what is posted claims it is photoshopped.

  5. It looks more like a cross between a Prophet 10 and a T8.

    I also saw pics with LCD screen and Prophet 8 logo...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well, the picture IS photoshopped, and it's from here:

    (click on the Prophet 5 Wood Replacement Kit)

  8. ouch. it's true, it's photoshopped :D

  9. He's right, we may not all be morons but it IS Photoshopped.......

  10. It was a Don Solaris joke on HC.
    Shame, it looked so good... :(


  11. I was hoping that this is how it would look too. :( I was hoping for no LCD. Maybe its just me, but I prefer the old school two digit 7 segment displays and classic style knobs. Damn you Don Solaris!

    *shakes fist*

    (on a side not, maybe matrix should look into the things he posts a bit more instead of being so trigger happy with the posts like this claiming this is a prototype with absolutely no proof or good source, my two cents)

  12. Sorry folks. I couldn't resist...

    Here is the original thread where i posted it:

    Yeah i like it old school too, with classic knobs and old displays (specially green lcds). Too bad they don't make synths this way anymore :(

    Greetz@ Suit & Tie Guy

    Don Solaris

  13. Don, you´re a genius!
    What made me more happy was that it had a poly-mod section, which I now doubt it´ll have.
    I sent this pic to Matrix (on good faith, of course). I feel responsable of this , but I think it´s quite funny anyway, and nobody died because of this... ;)

  14. "(on a side not, maybe matrix should look into the things he posts a bit more instead of being so trigger happy with the posts like this claiming this is a prototype with absolutely no proof or good source, my two cents)"

    Hah! I think you are confusing this site with a proper print style publication. Everything goes up regardless. Part of the fun is finding out whether stuff is real or not. It's all part of the ride and the entertainment. As for the manufacturers that read the comments, hopefully the feedback they see is useful in some way. They don't have to change anything but they can see what a hand full of people are saying. Always useful in my book.

  15. "and nobody died because of this..."

    I died..a little inside. :(

    "Hah! I think you are confusing this site with a proper print style publication. Everything goes up regardless. Part of the fun is finding out whether stuff is real or not. It's all part of the ride and the entertainment"

    Touche! ;)

  16. This is the one with the Prophet-64 engine, right?

  17. I liked the fact it had a cassette interface (upper right) so our patches would be safe if the battery failed. ;)

  18. "This is the one with the Prophet-64 engine, right?"

    No, sorry this does not use the SID chip nor does it have anything to do with the Commodore computer. Have you even been paying attention?

  19. I hope this sounds as cool as the Prophet-64!

  20. So you hope it sounds like an excessively noisy video game chip. Ok, son, ok. Let the grownups talk, eh?


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