MATRIXSYNTH: Waldorf New Blofeld Keyboard Synthesizer

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Waldorf New Blofeld Keyboard Synthesizer

"We are proud to introduce the next member of the Waldorf family, our brand new Blofeld keyboard!

* 60 Megabyte sample memory
* Class compliant USB MIDI for PC,Mac and Linux
* 16 part multimode
* maximum 25 voices polyphony
* highest quality standard keybed with 49 weighted keys and aftertouch
* Internal power supply
* Pitchbend and modulation wheel
* Virtual analog, wavetable, and sample based oscillators
* MIDI in/out
* Sturdy metal case
* Stainless steel rotary encoders
* Backlit 128x64 pixel LCD
* Over 1000 sounds
* 3 oscillators, 2 filters per voice
* Selectable drive curves
* Frequency modulation for oscillators and filters
* Three LFO, four envelopes per voice
* Extensive modulation capabilities
* Complex arpeggiator
* Powerful effects section
* weight: apprx 8,-- kgs
* weight in carton: apprx 9,5 kgs"


  1. chop it in half (32 or 37 keys) and you got a deal.

  2. This is going for 600 pounds in the UK including VAT. The Blofeld goes for 300 #, also including VAT.

    I don't understand how the Blofeld carries a $900 price in the states. You could buy it from the UK, pay VAT, and still come out $300 ahead.

    And there's no way in hell the Bk is worth $1800 if the prices correlate.

  3. they should have picked up the DSI idea, more control knobs on the keyboard that now it falls behind a simple nord lead I guess despite the sonic range

  4. It must be that keeping the exact Blofeld knob layout means lower production costs. It's too bad that more consumers aren't willing to pay more for better keyboards. More effects from software synths, no doubt.

    I'd pay more for a 5-octave version with more knobs in black, so it wouldn't end up looking like the grimy Korg M3s on the GC showroom floor.


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