MATRIXSYNTH: electro-music 2009

Saturday, October 03, 2009

electro-music 2009

The electro-music festival, known as the "Woodstock of electronic music," is the world's premiere event for experimental electronic music. This year's event features three mind-bending days of innovative electronic music concerts, seminars, workshops, demonstrations, jam sessions, video art, a laptop battle, and a swap-meet. Action starts at 12 noon on Thursday, October 29 and runs until after midnight on October 31. Musical activities will be running continuously throughout the three days of the festival.

electro-music 2009 takes place at the Star Lake Camp in Bloomingdale, New Jersey. This year, on-site lodging and meals are available. Tickets range from $22 for a single day to $220 for a 3-day pass including meals and lodging. Tickets that include food or lodging must be reserved by October 15.

More information, including a complete schedule of events can be found on the web site at:
You may also contact us at
event *at*

A wide variety of instruments and musical styles will be represented, ranging from theremin to analog modular synthesizers to home made devices, from classic space music to abstract electronica to world beats.

The following artists will be performing:
Ace Paradise
Acoustic Interloper
Azimuth Visuals
Jonathan Block
Delicate Monster
Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel
Hong - GuZheng
In The Loop
Steve Jolliffe
Kingdom of Sharks
Kevin Kissinger
Andrew Koenig
Richard Lainhart
Lonely Robot Audio presents MUS EXCELSIOR
Terrence McManus
The Megadrives
Kurt Michaels
Logan Mitchell
Modulator ESP
Shane Morris
Joker Nies
Northern Valentine
Project Ruori
Ricochet Gathering
safe 2
Siebert and Lepre
Don Slepian
Spinning Plates
State Machine
Ben Stohr
Tamul and Mosc
The Tara Experiment
Technicolor Travel Agency
Thin Air
Transistor Club
The Tronic
Waked Lunch
Jeremy Winters
xeroid entity
Laptop Battle Winner

Seminars, Workshops, and Demonstrations:
Thomas Bell and Gregg Jarvis - Multiple Looping Mechanisms
Peter Blasser - Deerhorn Project installation
Peter Blasser - creative instrument design
Jonathan Block - Directions in Ambient Bass
Casperelectronics - Introduction to Circuit Bending
Casperelectronics - 30 Second Sampler Bending Workshop
Rosemary Haskins - Internet Marketing and Promotion
Rosemary Haskins - Music Publishing - Getting Your Songs Placed in Film/TV
Rob Hordijk - DIY Workshop - The Benjolin
Rob Hordijk - Topics in DIY (seminar)
Les Hall - ChucK and Guitar Invention demonstration
Chris Mandra - The ZONE: A.C.I.D.S (Autonomous Collaborative Interactive Dance Situation)
Kevin Kissinger - Modular Synthesis basics with the Aries Modular Synthesizer
Richard Lainhart - performance system seminar
Steve Lerner - Weird Blinking Lights - Modcan modular demo
Rebecca Mercuri - Classic Circuits for Audio Synthesis
Joker Nies - DIY Workshop - The Zeitgeist
Michael O'Bannon - Generating Sound and Music with Brainwaves
Project Ruori - Interactive Video Software
Vic Rek - Ten Years of the Ricochet Gathering
Don Slepian - Experiments in Synthesis
Doug Slocum - Timesteps Explored (demonstration)
James Spitznagel - Sampling and Looping with Nintendo DSi

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