Showing posts sorted by date for query ollilaboratories. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query ollilaboratories. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Saturday, December 07, 2024
Super Gemini, ARP noodles are fun
video upload by ollilaboratories
"Arp noodling a bit more, this is so fun! :) Experimenting with filter drive and cross modulation, damn this synth is fun to play. :D
I used Preset A7 as a baseline but went a bit further with the tweaks. A tad of reverb in the DAW, and that's all folks.
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Super Gemini - Preset A2 Noodle
video upload by ollilaboratories
"Hey folks... its me again. This time noodling away with preset A2, just a tad of tinkering with the sound but really not that much so what you hear is what you get from the Super Gemini. Also a little bit of reverb on top in my DAW for that room / ambience.
Safe to say i am falling in love with this synth.. it gives me so much inspiration, and it is a pure joy to play.
Take care all, and hey.. make some music!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Super Gemini - Preset A1 Jam
video upload by ollilaboratories
"Hello World.. long time no see. A lot of things has been happening, family, work, life etc. I thought that id show some lifesigns, been rearranging in my studio a bit, selling some gear.. getting some new stuff. The biggest thing being the UDO Super Gemini. I have coveted this machine ever since i saw it released and today it is mine.
What you hear is Preset A1 with some slight tinkering.. a tad of reverb in my DAW and thats it. No fuzz, no flashing lights.. just the old BURG in the first moments exploring his new synth.
Note, this is a dynamic jam, so please watch the volume :)
Take care all and talk to you soon!
Thursday, November 30, 2023
The mighty JUPITER-4
video upload by ollilaboratories
"So here is the story, after the EMOM event last night a Roland JUPITER-4 magically appeared at my house!?! My Pal Niklas at SHS has been collaborating with the eminent guy calling himselft on some projects.. and while Niklas is out having fun playing with other gear i decided to take the JUPITER-4 one for a spin.
Yes, the signal is a bit hot at times and the VCA is also helping out to bring some of that 70's warmth... but hey, who cares? this is all about inspiration and having fun in the moment.
Make sure to enjoy this one and take care!
BURG / Jouni"
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Yamaha CS-80 (synthetic ode to Elektrish studios)
video upload by ollilaboratories
"I have been in heaven, synth heaven... the Elektrish Vintage Synthesizer Studio & Museum. This is a place where in the future people in Sweden/Malmö can see/touch/play/record the synths and feel the vintage tolex smelling heat surge from a massive extremely well curated synthesizer and electronic instruments collection. Big hats off to Jörgen, the curator and owner of the museum.. i cant wait to see what the future holds for all the gear heads when they enter this holy ground.
About the piece, Yamaha CS-80, what can i say? The biggest and baddest of them all... the studio was so hot that i was literally fuming, lost track of time and managed to gain the signal a wee bit hot. But i dont care, this was so much fun and i want to share the joy with you call.
Top panel plays the main lead, bottom panel i am adding a fifth, sort of organ style sound, poly AT controlling vibrato on VCO and VCF, adjusting and mixing them a bit and also adjusting the attack on both for a smoother sound.
Played live in one take, EHX 720 stereo looper playing in reverse a plucky CS80 sound in the background, el capistan for delay and bigsky modulated room reverb. Thats it... and yeah, a hot signal too, so you all know what to expect.
Big Thanks to Jörgen for having me, i will come back soon. ps, I now smell like a vintage synth.. and i am completely fine with it. No shower for me for a while :)"
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Livejam revisited - 303 style
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find more over here
So when i was messing around with the previous setup for the eleven and nine track... I happened to stumble over an old pattern/track i played at Fono KL many moons ago. This track actually never made itself all the way of becoming a real tune so i decided.. hey why not just remodel it a little bit, add some 303 squares and saw for taste and jam a bit? Said and done!
Gear used:
- Digitakt - kick; low end bass and all of the percussion
- Norand mono, FM style modulated sequence modulated
- Avalon bassline, square lead + for the first time ever in BURG history, sawtooth and resonance. :)
- Analog four adds delay/reverb and only acts as a mixer for the avalon/norand
- KP3+ granular delay, mixed low in the background for that delicate glitch feel
All was recorded onto the Zoom H5 on 2 track and mastered post in my DAW with iZotope 7 limiter and compressor + EQ.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
ULVTHARM “Wrēkō” Album Teaser
video upload by ollilaboratories
"So, as some of you might or might not know I have several projects under my musical umbrella. This one is particularly important to me since it was incepted during a very dark period of my life.
As my moniker ulvtharm, I have never released a solo album.. all focus has always been on writing for mz.412. This one however took a lucky (or unlucky) turn into a musical piece that I now am ready to present to the world.
It might not be for everyone following me here on my channel, but please keep an open mind and dont run away.
Big thanks to Frederic at Cyclic Law, and to Axel for your art, my brothers in arms Nordvargr and Drakh for ritual support.
Also a shout out to Heikki Mastokangas for the epic footage in the album trailer shot in the darkest forests in Finland.
Yours truly, BURG a.k.a Ulvtharm
## Information from Cyclic Law
Taken from: ULVTHARM “Wrēkō” CD / LP / DL (207th Cycle)
Available via Bandcamp:
Cyclic Law's Website:
Release Date: October 31 2022
We’re honoured to present Ulvtharm’s first solo album. Long time collaborator of Nordvargr & Drakh in the legendary Swedish formation MZ.412, “Wrēkō” was incepted when Ulvtharm lived in Malaysia while remotely writing the “Svartmyrkr” album of MZ.412 in 2018. Since “Svartmyrkr” was written over such a long period of time and over a significant geographical distance, there were natural moments of inspiration that radiated away from the MZ.412 sound, moments captured during the ritual sessions. Listening back to some of the raw demos made at the time, it was obvious that some of the tracks did not line up with MZ.412 spiritually, and the idea for an Ulvtharm solo album was born.
Moving back to Sweden in November 2019, the creative process of dissecting and analyzing the demos started. When the pandemic hit, Jouni was thrown into a sleepless blackness for a long time, a mood that made him see the demos in a different light. This helped with re-composing and recording the missing parts, which were finalised in December 2020.
This album is a deep dive into the mind and psyche during a dark time; it's a revenge on the own self for not taking this creative step before, and a celebration of getting out at the tail end of the modern plague. He’s now letting the music and spirits free out into the world for everyone to see and hear. This is his darkness. This is his revenge. This is Wrēkō!
Artwork by the one and only Axel Torvenius.
CD Edition of 300 copies 6 panel Digisleeve, matt lamination. 5 Tracks. Running Time 41:25
LP Edition of 300 copies. 3mm Sleeve, matt lamination. Printed Inner Sleeve. 5 Tracks. Running Time 41:25
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Eleven and Nine - Jam Session
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find more over here
Hi everyone !
After a very long hiatus I am starting to feel a bit alive and ready for some BURG minimal jam sessions. Starting slowly with this playful and (sort of dubby) minimal tune where the Norand Mono has 11 step pattern and the Avalon Bassline a 9 step pattern. It takes a long time for these two loops to align and play the same thing twice so it helps to create this dynamic movement which i enjoy very much... I am more or less letting the synths play their own stuff and enjoying the ride.
This is all connected together with no mixer, Norand and Avalon into L+R in on the analog four, analog four into L+R on the digitakt. The digitakt has some compression on the stereo bus out and recorded directly into a Zoom H5 stereo track. Limiter has been added in post to even out the peak/levels a bit.
I hope that you will enjoy this one!
Gear Used:
** Elektron Digitakt ( Kick and percussion )
** Elektron Analog Four ( sequences and drones + FX for the Norand and Avalon )
** Avalon Bassline ( square 9 step pattern )
** Norand Mono ( Heavily Modulated 11 step bass pattern )
#norandmono #avalonbassline #digitakt"
Saturday, August 06, 2022
New Toy - Yamaha PSS-380
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Hey everyone, sorry for the very long silence... life has happened and I have had to prioritize family and other projects for some time. Here is a little video for you all to show some signs of life from the BURG HQ.
I bought this cheap little Yamaha Porta sound synth to have in the den, writing songs and capturing ideas... this is one of the first ideas/melodies that came out (prly something i have done before), and i thought, why not just play the melody with the PSS-380 and make a video? It actually sounds pretty good, albeit a bit noisy... but still pretty enjoyable. Since it runs on batteries i can play everywhere in the house so whenever i have an idea i can just turn it on and work on the melodies. Also, it is actually pretty powerful, the FM section has some direct controls to adjust SPECTRUM/MODULATION, which give access to what sounds like the operator order and modulation of the same, pretty cool stuff.
What you hear is the PSS-380 through the ms70 CDR zoom FX pedal ( carbon delay, particle reverb ) and the EHX 720 stereo looper for the bass melody. All is recorded live onto my Zoom H5 recorder.
Take care everyone, and thanks for sticking around ! you rock!"
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Moog Subsequent 37 and Matriarch - Jam session
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Please say hello to my new little friend in the studio, the Moog Matriarch. With this jam session I just wanted to capture the first explorations into this modern godess of vintage Moog sounds.
Gear Used:
** Moog Matriarch, 4VCO in Unison mode, PWM ( no external FX; built in analog delay only )
** Moog Subsequent 37, 2VCO + sub solo sound ( Timeline ICE + Empress reverb Modulated Hall )
All live and recorded down on Zoom H5 2 track, no overdubbing.
Apologies for the right hand cam which was left with autofocus turned on ( rookie mistake deluxe ). I hope that it is still enjoyable.
#subsequent37 #matriarch #moog"
Saturday, January 08, 2022
A Message To Roy Batty ( late night jam session )
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Happy 2022 everyone!
This song was a late night session recorded a couple months back ( OCT 2021 ) not originally meant for release but after a few listens it has this special feeling that i thought was worth sharing with you all. The recording was all done in one take, more or less adlib on the go with the exception of the KORG monologue sequence which was pre-programmed.
You can also find this track on the cold/err EP together with two other songs i recorded in my new studio space during 2021. The EP release version has a message and voices overlaid post production, for those of you with sharp senses :)
This is a very rough take, it has a lot of noises, overdrive and glitches but i decided to keep it as is due to raw natural feeling of the jam. Straight from the heart, unfiltered.
Take care all, hoping that this year will bring loads of great music and great times to everyone out there. Stay safe and keep the music flowing!
Yours truly
Gear used:
► KORG Grandstage ( eventide space, 720 looper, catalinbread CSIDMAN, red panda particle )
► KORG monologue ( BOSS DE-200 )
► Moog Subsequent 37 ( Strymon timeline, blue sky )
► Arturia Microfreak ( Zoom ms-70 CDR )
► Zoom H5 2 track recorder"
Tuesday, November 02, 2021
AKAI force meets 100 year old Ekströms piano
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Hi Everyone, how are you doing? Some new tunes from the BURG :)
I am working hard on trying to fight a massive writers block not being able to finish my album.. so i decided to upgrade my AKAI force to the awesome new release 3.1 and run my 100 year old piano through it to see what happens.. said and done..
You will most probably hear a lot of noises ( not kidding here ), room ambience, breathing and my chair creaking.. this is because the microphone picks up just about everything in the room, not so much i can do about this. Also to all the piano players out there, please excuse my rusty mediocre playing, Im not really a pianist in any way, just a happy good old synthesist! :)
The AKAI force has the new FX granulator which i wanted to try, also some compressor and reverb as inserts on the piano channel, the microphone is connected straight into the force ( how awesome is it that it provides +48V phantom power? ). Second channel is the Avalon Bassline, also with some granulator and reverb. Kick and ARP synth are both from the force triggered as clips.
I realised it was extremely hard to mix the piano and also give it the right amount of FX due to overhearing the actual sound and not the FX portion in my headphones. I would have like it to be a tad more laidback when listening back to it, but hey.. sometimes you just have to call it so you can move on to the next thing.
Gear list:
- Swedish Ekströms Upright Piano, built in 1904, Condenser mic to Audio in on the force
--- Insert FX, Compressor, Granulator and (maybe a bit too much) reverb
- Avalon bassline, Square bass, audio in on the force and synched via MIDI
--- Insert FX, Granulator and (sort of ok amount of) reverb
- Kickdrum, force drumsynth
- Arpeggiator, force tube synth + delay and reverb thingies
- 2 track recording on Zoom H5
Yeah, i know i could have probably just recorded it all into the force... but one step at the time exploring the 3.1 updates. Babysteps BURG, babysteps. :)
I hope you will enjoy it!
#AKAIforce #avalonbassline #303"
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
ollilaboratories Second jam session in new studio
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Hi Everyone,
Still working on getting myself up to speed in the new space digging into the gear and warming myself up. I made a 127 bpm something track, pretty minimal, upbeat but still pretty relaxed and dreamy. The star in this track is the Avalon Bassline, doing what it does best... square wave goodness is all over the place.
I also have some work to do fixing with the camera setup and different angles, this is a pretty complex challenge that will take some time given the angled ceilings that i have in the new space. While waiting there will be a few of these single and/or maybe dual cam videos for a little while... please have some patience while i get this sorted.
Play this one loud and in the dark for best effect.
Gear used:
- KORG ms-20 mini, bass notes
- Elektron Digitakt, percussion and dub chords
- Elektron Digitone , rhytmic bass sequences
- Roland TR-707, percussion
- Avalon bassline, square bass
- Dreadbox erebus, sequence
FX used:
- Strymon el Capistan, ms-20 mini
- Empress reverb, erebus
- BOSS Space Echo RE-20, erebus
- Elektron analog four, delay and reverb for the Bassline
- Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2, mixer
- Zoom H5"
Abstrakt Instruments,
Empress Effects,
Monday, September 13, 2021
First jam session in new studio
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Lifesigns! :)
It has been a looong break, moving into a new house and building up the new studio has taken a bit more time than expected. Now finally after some furniture builds etc it is making some sounds.
I recorded the very first jam for you all to prove that it is up and running, haha. Live as usual straight down on 2 track, Zoom H5. :)
Track is 100bpm, laidback .. main themes on the KORG ms-20 mini and the KORG volca.
Gear used:
Abstrakt Instruments,
Bastl Instruments,
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
BURG - All patterns will end (digitone, reface CP)
video upload by ollilaboratories
"If you like my stuff please support me on and
Just to show some life signs here is a previously not released video from the album, The silent earth, track - All patterns will end. This one was recorded on the go with a very small subset of instruments on a table somewhere in Sweden.
Sharing this with the rest of the world while working on building my new studio setup in a new location.
Gear Used:
- Elektron Digitone
- EHX Stereo looper 720
- Yamaha Reface CP
- Zoom H5 recorder
I will be back soon, a lot of challenges with the studio setup that needs to be sorted out, in the mean time stay tuned and make some lovely music all!
Get the album here -"
Friday, March 26, 2021
Another Microfreak Session
video by ollilaboratories
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Hi Everyone,
I am currently in the midst of a big house move so have not been able to make any new music for a while. Do not despair however, I will soon be up and running in the new place... so stay tuned for more music in a not too far away future.
In the meantime, please enjoy another MicroFreak session which i recorded more or less back to back with the previous video. I kind of like the theme on this one so might use it for a future song for my upcoming album.
Take care everyone, play the music you love and stay safe!! See you soon!
Peace // BURG
Gear USed:
* Arturia Microfreak
* Keeley Caverns, delay/reverb
* Electro Harmonix 720 Stereo looper
* Zoom H5 audio recorder
#arturia #microfreak #720stereolooper"
Saturday, January 09, 2021
Ode To Microfreak
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Hi Everyone,
I got a second hand microfreak the other day, and oh my, it is really a lovely versatile little synth. I just wanted to make a quick little jam with it and share with you all.. this is literally the first thing that came to mind when turning it on.
I am pairing it with the Keeley caverns delay/reverb pedal and the EHX 720 stereo looper and recorded it straight to 2 track on a Zoom H5 recorder.
* Arturia Microfreak
* Keeley Caverns
* Electro Harmonix 720 Stereo looper
* Zoom H5 audio recorder
#arturia #microfreak #720stereolooper"
Thursday, December 31, 2020
BURG Session Template 05 - (Goodbye 2020 and Happy New Year!)
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Album info:
Continuing my plans going into 2021 and the writing of my new album, with this i will be posting template jam sessions to YouTube from which I will base and recreate the final tracks. These jam sessions are in no way finalised tracks, but you will be able to hear the main ideas before i start fine tuning the details.
If you join my patreon there will be behind the scenes materials, bonus tracks, stems, sound packs from these sessions and also a possibility to remix the future shortlist single for my release. You will be able to follow the creation of the entire album from idea to final product.
Track info:
Session 05 is a bit more upbeat style track, the idea was to use the Erebus as main theme, to showcase its nice creamy features.. dub style together with the RE-20 space echo and a huge modulated reverb in the empress really hit the spot.
Also, i wanted to dial it back a bit and make it a tad more minimal than the other tracks. Running at 115 bpm it is still pretty dense, so i hope there is air enough between the sounds making it enjoyable.
Make sure to have a happy new year everyone, i hope that 2021 will bring more music and less chaos. Stay safe all and do something nice for someone today !! Peace !
* Erebus (sequenced by force), main theme + RE-20 space echo and empress reverb
* AKAI force, main kicks + percussion/stabs and sinus low end bass 1
* AKAI force also does the phaser string pads
* Elektron Digitakt, hhs, additional percussion and one dubby stab
* Elektron Digitone, melodies/strings
* Roland TR-707, closed HH and toms
* Avalon Bassline, square melody
* Volca Bass ( sequenced by force ) saw low end bass 2
* Volca Keys + MS70CDR , melody pad
* Furthrrr generator through Clouds, FM style melody controlled by Pressure points
* Intellijel Plonk, clap style percussion
* Intellijel / Noise Tools, White noise, hh style percussion + Ripples VCF
* MI Rings, random melody sequence
* Modulation by Pams, Quadrax and planar 2
* Eloquencer, main sequencer
All is recorded live in one take down on 2-track, Zoom H5. Post processing in DAW, compressor and limiter with Izotope 7 plugins."
Abstrakt Instruments,
Sunday, September 20, 2020
BURG Session Template 03
"If you like my music you can find it here and also please consider supporting me at patreon for as little as 1 USD
Hey there everyone!
Continuing my plans for 2020 and 2021 and the writing my new album, with this i will be posting template jam sessions to YouTube from which I will base and recreate the final tracks. These jam sessions are in no way finalised tracks, but you will be able to hear the main ideas before i start fine tuning the details.
If you join my patreon there will be behind the scenes materials, bonus tracks, stems, sound packs from these sessions and also a possibility to remix the future shortlist single for my release. You will be able to follow the creation of the entire album from idea to final product.
Track info:
95 bpm slow and dreamy, this one took a while to put together.. most probably due to struggling with similar melodies and vibes from the other two previous sessions. Big thanks to my patrons for pointing that out so i know what to fix. I think that this will have some significant changes for the final version of the track.. and when multitracking it I will most probably change the intro section a bit plus also ensure it builds up in a more cohesive way.
AKAI force, as usual is handling the main drums, sequencing the sub37, monologue, ASM hydrasynth and the volca bass. TR 707 adds some simpler hihats, digitakt adds some extra percussion. Digitone, Peak, Analog Four are not in use.
The ms-20 starts the track off, paired with a long wobbly delay in the el Capistan. At the 3.30 mark i play the dreadbox erebus from the force pads.. a bit tricky but it worked ok. I think the melody will change a bit too, esp phrasing.
Modular does some nice percussion with the BIA, sort of a bass style sound + a pretty weird sequence with the Braids. :)
Gear Used on Session Template 03:
- Akai Force
- Elektron Digitakt
- Erebus Dreadbox
- Modular, Braids + BIA
- ASM Hydrasynth
- Sub 37
- KORG monologue, ms-20
- KORG volca bass and keys
- TR-707, modded by
- Avalon Bassline"
Abstrakt Instruments,
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©2025 Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.