Vintage MOOG Albums - Free downloads. Check this one out. This is not an ad.

Amin Bhatia Virtuality

Switched on Bach (MOOG)

Switched on Boxed-Set (MOOG)

Morton Subotnick: Silver Apples of the Moon; The Wild Bull (Buchla)

Morton Subotnick: Touch/Jacob's Moon (Buchla)

Pauline Oliveros Electronic Works (Buchla)

Pauline Oliveros Alien Bog / Beautiful Soop (Buchla)

John Chowning Turenas / Stria / Phone / Sabelithe (FM)

Roger O'Donnell (Moog Voyager)

Barry Schrader Lost Atlantis (Buchla)
SCD (Waldorf & more)

Vangelis Beaubourg (Yamaha CS80)

The Magic of the ARP Synthesizer (ARP)

Bach / Handel 300 (PPG)

Bruno Spoerri – Iischalte (Switched-on Switzerland) (EMS Synthi 100)

Rick van der Linden on Amazon
See this post for more info on this one.

"My Grandfather, the Cubist" - Joy Electric
(MOOG Voyager)
see this post for more info.


Synthesizer Von Gestern

ANS - Coil on Amazon
(see this post)

on 36 15 Moog Michel Magne on Amazon
God Is a Moog: The Electronic Prayers of Gershon Kingsley (2006) on 36 15 MOOG and on Amazon

Cat number JBH034CD / JBH034LP
on Amazon here

Michael Czajkowski - People The Sky - Buchla 100 Album

Benge Twenty Systems (MISC - tons of pics)

From 1977 - Musicor Records - Star Wars - Electric Moog Orchestra.
flickr by flee the cities on Amazon.

1968 Vanguard LP, "The Amazing New Electronic Sound of Jean-Jacques Perrey." (Moog)
on Amazon.

Alessandro Cortini SONOIO (Buchla - see this post)
Johanna D'Armagnac - The Art Of Synergy
via Dusty Shelf
"Another MML obscurity, here are five atmospheric pieces made with the legendary Synergy Synthesizer, pictured on the wonderful cover. As usual with MML, info is scarce, so I know nothing about this composer. Please leave a comment if you do."
via øשlqæda in the comments of this post.
Claude Larson - Digital Patterns
via Dusty Shelf
From the back cover: "Digital patterns played by the Fairlight Music Computer using the Fairlight Music Composition Language, analysing [sic] and programming sounds of natural instruments as basic for new digital sound creations."

via The Synthi Group
"The Synthi Group returns for part three of their EMS analog music series. Unlike the first two releases, this edition was recorded with a specific theme in mind and with parameters of limitation. The artists appearing on volume three were asked to create ambient soundscapes using EMS equipment ONLY. No other musical gear was used in the creation of this compilation.
Sit back, plug in some headphones and be enveloped by the atmospheric aurality that these fine instruments offer under conduction of experienced adepts..."
See the Synth CDs label for more.
Victor Records The Magic of the Novachord by Collins H. Driggs
Columbia Presents Novachord Solos by Fred Feibel
Cascades of Melody by Collins H. Driggs
Novachord on Amazon
Update: The Magic of the Novachord is available on iTunes:

The Sounds of Love ...A to Z
"It's a synthesizer album with sexy moans on top made in 1972. How cool is that!? The cover shows a couple making out on top of a ARP 2500 Modular...."
listen to it on It's Full of Stars.

"This is the maiden expedition. A potpourri of timbres and resonances. Creatures and Animals riding shotgun and a Gator in the trunk. We filled a phrenology head with a mixture of Yak blood and battery acid and smashed it over the hood for luck. Liftoff. The radar detector died outside of the exosphere. We pressed on unabated. The cassette player was stuffed with banana peels and an obelisk obscured the rear window mirror. This is the postcard we sent back. Bon voyage!"
Download on Quadslope
via Hex"

flickr By Jim Ed Blanchard The Age of Electronicus by Dick Hyman--" on Amazon
SIGNS - A Buchla Compilation
Daphne Oram The Oram Tapes: Volume One
Mark Evans Rock and Moog Party
The Electric Moog Orchestra
Barry Schrader & Death of the Red Planet
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