MATRIXSYNTH: Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Matrixsynth by Ethan Callender

"Matrixsynth Lives on a Dying Trinity"

Matrixsynth by Frédéric

Cross between a Seekers SMS 2000 and a Korg MS20.

Korg Kaoss Pad 3 on Sonic State

The guys at Sonic State have the scoop on the new Korg Kaoss Pad 3.

" This latest KAOSS Pad has been completely overhauled, with significant advances in every area. New effects algorithms, synth sounds derived from their RADIAS engine, with more sampling power plus USB computer connectivity. A new pad lighting system places 64 individual LEDs in an eight by eight grid under the pad, providing visual cues as to the current program, held position and even custom messages."

Title link takes you there.

Matrixsynth by Moogulator of

Ah, the Oberheim Matrix-12. My first synth was the Matrix-6, my ultimate dream synth was the Matrix-12. Hence... Matrix and Matrixsynth. Click image for a much bigger shot. Thanks Moogulator!

Update: I should also note that moogulator was one of the first people I met online back in maybe '96 on Sonic State's the-gas-station, so this along with it being a Matrix-12 is pretty cool.

Matrixsynth by Greg

An Electro Harmonix Matrixsynth. How I wish. : ) Nice one Greg.

Update: To be clear, this is NOT an actual product from Electro Harmonix. It's just part of the "Matrixsynth by.." images coming in.

Rhodes Chroma Service Manual Now Online

Via Chris Ryan on the Chroma list:

"The entire Service Manual (1983 Rhodes edition) is now available on the site, complete with large format schematics and drawings in PDF format. link

Thanks to David Clarke for advice and for reviewing the content, as well as providing the equation graphics for the Circuit Descriptions page.

As this was a significant effort--25,000 words manually transcribed and a pro scanning job on the schematics--I may consider this update a "special summer double issue" so I can devote more time to some other projects, including the Chroma software for Mac OS X I've been working on.


Very cool. I am continuosly blown away by the Rhodes Chroma Group and Site. More synths could use support like this.

Wildtek Concept Summer 2006 and Regelwerk on YouTube

Wildtek Concept Summer 2006

Doepfer Regelwerk

These in via Simon.

Yamaha CS80 Art & Bernhard Döring

This one in via Frédéric. Not sure where this cool shot comes from. If you know please comment. I'll update the post when I hear back from Frédéric.

Update via Frédéric:
"I was surfing this morning in some forums and I have seen that. I love the dali-esque way of this ad."

Udate via the comments: link


Alien's Project Toy of the Month - ARP Axxe

New page up on Alien's Project featuring the ARP Axxe with sound samples.

troperec / T.P Heckmann - Gear P*rn

Tons of analog synth goodness. More shots after the hop.

Summa Sounds

site for synth patches and sound programming

Matrixsynth by...

Matrixsynth by Anonymous #4

Matrixsynth by Seven D.

Matrixsynth by Frederic

Vermont Moog - New Flickr Shot

flickr by lauralhb.

Something tells me my friends Scott and Patty will finally get a kick out of one my posts. They aren't synth heads, but they are from Vermont.

This one's for you Scott and Patty.
: )

Baby Bombay

Shot via Doctor Bombay. That's one lucky and happy looking kid. : ) Be sure to check out my two previous posts on Stephen Teller aka Doctor Bombay: 1, 2.

BTW, Stephen is taking requests and input for another video. Being the synth heads we are my guess is we all want to see more of his vintage gear. Title link takes you to his website. Go to the Gallery and blow up some of those images. Take a look at his synths and feel free to make some requests on what you might like to see in a video. Personally I'm game for anything that features and shows particular synths as they are being played, just like in his previous video. Feel free to post requests in the comments of this post.

Squarepusher on YouTube

via Tim

Eno on YouTube

via Tim

Matrixsynth by...

Matrixsynth by HarriL

Matrixsynth by Frédéric

Matrixsynth by Music Thing

Thanks Tom! Think I found my new logo. ; )

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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