MATRIXSYNTH: New Synth Tech E580 Resampling Mini-Delay

Friday, January 07, 2011

New Synth Tech E580 Resampling Mini-Delay

via JohnLRice who will have a demo in a few days.

And via Analogue Haven:

"Here's a photo of the next Synthesis Technology module, the E580 Resampling Mini-Delay. It will be shown next week at NAMM. The module is operational and there will be demos soon. It will go into production shortly and we hope to get stock sometime in February."

There is some discussion on Muff's here.

Remember NAMM is next week. Bookmark the NAMM label below for all NAMM posts and be sure to check back often.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    Video is here:

    Audio from the video (better quality) is here:

    And an additional short audio only test is here:

    John L Rice


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